A simple to use system of pictures helps you find the word you need quickly and accurately, without the need to know either its spelling or pronunciation. Featuring high quality, colorful pictures for each entry, learning a foreign language has never been easier!
Now new words are memorized faster and more completely through the Picture Dictionary's proven method of enhanced picture use. Completely Windows 10 ready. Children and adults, beginners and even more advanced speakers will all benefit from this intuitive language learning utility.
The application is fully integrated with LingvoSoft FlashCards, PhraseBook, and Dictionaries to make finding additional information easier than ever before and to extend functionality and usefulness.
A customizable interface with a choice of five display languages lets you choose the learning environment that's right for you.
Main features:
- Quick and easy vocabulary building with pictured words database
- Requires no previous knowledge or language skills
- Adjustable interface with English, French, German, Spanish and Russian display options
- Full integration with LingvoSoft FlashCards, PhraseBook, and Dictionaries
System Requirements:
- 16 MB free hard-disk space
- Internet Explorer 6.0
- Minimum of 64 MB of system memory
System requirements:
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8
Windows 10
16 MB of free space on the hard disk
at least 64 MB of system memory
Internet Explorer 6.0
sound card (for the LingvoSoft Talking Picture Dictionary only)
To make sure this software application will function properly on your unit, please download and test its trial version.
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